A day of harmony & harmlessness to encourage healthier more sustainable lifestyles and set a new world record for Plantarianism
Friday, 18 November 2011
'Vegan' word scares away customers
WVVN argues using a "vegan" symbol, trade mark or logo as a mark of purity and quality rather than as a badge of eccentricity and extremism
Friday, 4 November 2011
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
The Veggie Kids - "What Kind of World Do You Want?"
Happy One World Day
www.1worldday.org www.tinyurl.com/oneworldday www.one-world-day.org
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Resources - ONE WORLD DAY - November 1st
Here's a list of free online support packages that will help nurture yourfriends through their first few weeks of their journey to a healthier more sustainable lifestyle.
Happy One World Day - share a meal - save our World
Free recipes, online support, menu plans and nutrition advice
Russell Brand, Ozzie Osbourne Vegan
Russell Brand Goes Vegan |
So after seeing the film Forks over Knives both Russell Brand and Black Sabbath's slayer Ozzie Osbourne have gone vegan joining a host of other celebrities and polititians and famous athletes and sports personalities in following a plantarian diet.
On track for a new world record for health and sustainability
www.1worldday.org www.tinyurl.com/oneworldday www.one-world-day.org
One World Day Nov 1st: Vegans go to Westminster, Parliament MPs
World Vegan Day |
The Vegan Society are to celebrate World Vegan Day with MPs in Parliament westminster London to talk green politics and preventative medicine and health.
Westminster restaurants will offer vegan options to MP's all week
Ms Cupcake will offer vegan cupcakes for MPs
Clearly the Vegan Society are playiong on MP's notorious sweet tooth.
Vegan Society CEO, Jasmijn de Boo said today, “We are very pleased to be able to introduce delicious, locally made vegan cupcakes to MPs. As a ‘first’ for Parliament, there will also be tasty vegan dishes offered in each of the four Westminster restaurants every day during the week of World Vegan Day. Appealing, nutritious vegan food offers a powerful route to tackling current global crises. Plant-based diets and stock-free agriculture can help solve the deeply inter-connected problems of global climate change and global hunger, as well as obesity in the UK.”
www.1worldday.org www.tinyurl.com/oneworldday www.one-world-day.org
Vegans go to Westminster, Parliament MPs
Kerry McCarthy MP said today, “I am delighted to be hosting this parliamentary event for World Vegan Day. I’ve been vegan for 20 years, and last year I was joined in parliament by two more vegan MPs; we’ve been told we’re the largest vegan caucus in the world! This event provides a great opportunity to raise with other MPs and parliamentary staff issues such as the impact of the livestock industry on global food security and the environment, and the benefits of a vegan diet. And maybe we’ll be able to persuade a few more to try turning vegan too.”
Vegan Society CEO, Jasmijn de Boo said today, “We are very pleased to be able to introduce delicious, locally made vegan cupcakes to MPs. As a ‘first’ for Parliament, there will also be tasty vegan dishes offered in each of the four Westminster restaurants every day during the week of World Vegan Day. Appealing, nutritious vegan food offers a powerful route to tackling current global crises. Plant-based diets and stock-free agriculture can help solve the deeply inter-connected problems of global climate change and global hunger, as well as obesity in the UK.”
Mellissa Morgan, Ms Cupcake, said today, “I'm excited to see more and more people embracing vegan food and lifestyles! Our first 'Ms. Cupcake' shop - London's first entirely vegan bakery - is going from strength to strength. The Baking Industry Awards recognised us as their 'Rising Star of the Year' and we've been chosen as a 2012 Olympic Games supplier. It's so encouraging that the British public are adopting compassionate behaviours which do less damage to the world. Ms. Cupcake is honoured to be a part of World Vegan Day at Parliament this year.”
Kerry McCarthy MP has requested an adjournment debate on World Vegan Day debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday 1 November. If successful, the debate will focus on the role of plant-based diets and stock-free agriculture in tackling hunger, obesity and global climate change.
Media Contact: Amanda Baker - Mobile: (07847) 664 793 - Email: media@vegansociety.com - Tel: (0121) 523 1737 direct line – Web: vegansociety.com
Notes for Editors
- A vegan dish will be available in Bellamy’s and The Terrace in Westminster, at Portcullis House and at 7 Millbank, every day from Mon 31 Oct until Fri 4 Nov 2011.
- Well-planned vegan diets have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and obesity – see http://www.vegansociety.com/ and Vegan Society book, ‘Plant-Based Nutrition and Health’ by Stephen Walsh.
- The United Nations have shown that food sufficient to meet the calorie needs of 3.5 billion humans is wasted by the global animal farming industry each year. United Nations Environment Programme. The environmental food crisis. Nairobi: UNEP; 2009. http://www.unep.org/publications/search/pub_details_s.asp?ID=4019 (accessed 18 Oct 2011)
- The Livestock’s Long Shadow report from the United Nations shows that the global animal farming industry causes 18% of all human greenhouse gas emissions effect, ahead of all forms of travel and transport (at 13.5%). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Livestock’s Long Shadow: environmental issues and options. Rome: FAO; 2006 ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/010/a0701e/a0701e00.pdf (accessed 18 Oct 2011)
- Kerry McCarthy MP will be hosting Vegan Society Chief Executive Jasmijn de Boo, and the Baking Industry Rising Star winner, Ms Cupcake, on Tuesday 1 November 2011.
- Vegan Trademark registered, Ms Cupcake - Mellissa Morgan - won the Rising Star Award at the 2011 Baking Industry Awards in September 2011.
- Kerry McCarthy MP, Cathy Jamieson MP and Chris Williamson MP are the three vegan Members in the current Parliament.
- World Vegan Day falls on 1 November every year, launching November as World Vegan Month: http://www.vegansociety.com/News-And-Events/world-vegan-day/
- Founded in November 1944, The Vegan Society promotes vegan lifestyles - which exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Registered Charity No. 279228, Company Registration No. 1468880 Registered in England & Wales, VAT Registration No. 448 5973 95
World Vegan Day - Vegan News
Monday, 24 October 2011
Paul McCartney Vegetarian Cookbook
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Paul McCartney Cookbook |
New Cookbook for One World Day
Steller celebrity, Beatle, Vegetarian and Plantarian Paul McCartney has launched a new veggie Meat Free Monday Cookbook in time for One World Day
Proceeds from the book will go to fund the Meat Free Monday Campaign that like One World Day encourages people to eat more fruit and vegetables and plant foods for better health and save the planet from environmental catastrophe.
Paul has enlisted a number of celebrity friends to contribute recipes to the cookery book.
Everyone at One World Day wishes the Meat Free Monday Campaign and Paul McCartney, Stella and Mary great success with the new book. We hope they send a free copy to every schoool caterer in the country so that schools are encouraged to serve more sustainable and healthier meals for children.
Buy the Meat Free Monday Cook Book direct from The Meat Free Monday Campaign at http://www.bandstores.co.uk/shop/meatfreemonday/proddetail.php?prod=32810700
or at Amazon
Monday, 17 October 2011
Thrive in 30 - 1 Month Journey to Complete Wellness
Yet another way to get free online support for health, happiness and sustainability!
An email every day for 30 days to inspire and empower you.
French Ban Vegetarian and Vegan Meals
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France's Nick Sarkozy- Nil Point - Small Y Front Syndrome? |
It seems the nightmare stereotyping has become a gruesome reality in France with a new piece of legislation that makes meat eating law, forcing French meals in Schools, hospitals and old peoples homes to always contain meat and animal products.
If you needed any more proof that President of the Republic of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, is Totally Bonkers then here is the icing on the cake. The French President has made it effectively illegal to be vegetarian in France in a move to counteract Paul McCartney's Meat Free Monday initiative.
Following a law voted last year by the French Parliament(1), similar decrees will be taken shortly regarding almost all forms of catering from kindergarten to hospital, prisons and retirement homes. Vegetarianism will then have effectively been banned for a large part of the population.
A governmental order issued on October 2, 2011(2) has determined that all meals served in school canteens in France must contain animal products, and that meat and fish will be served at a certain minimum frequency. This implies that by law from now on no vegetarian can eat at any public or private school in France.
The European Vegetarian Union EVU say
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which is binding on member states including France, holds that: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.(4)Footnotes:
The public debate regarding animal rights and the moral status of animals is active in France as in many other countries. Citizens are entitled to choose freely where they stand on these issues, and those who believe that they cannot, in conscience, accept to eat animals must not be discriminated against.
A government cannot settle a philosophical, ethical and political debate by restricting the rights of those who disagree with its own positions. For years, the official policy of the French government has been openly hostile to vegetarianism.(5) The French agriculture minister, Bruno Lemaire, declared in January 2010 that the government's aim in determining its public nutritional policy was to defend the French agricultural model and specifically to counter initiatives such as those of Paul McCartney calling for a reduced consumption of meat.(6)
1. "Law for the modernization of agriculture and fisheries", published on July 27, 2010.
2. Décret n° 2011-1227 du 30 septembre 2011; arrêté du 30 septembre 2011.
3. Position statement of the American Dietetic Association
4. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, article 10.1
5.An example is the site mangerbouger.fr, where the only nutritional advice given to a teenager contemplating becoming a vegan is "By all means, do not follow that diet!" (www.mangerbouger.fr/pro/IMG/pdf/guide_adolescents-2.pdf, page 11).
6. http://tinyurl.com/FlashLeFigaro
Perhaps now the public will take Veggie Pride a little more seriously as it seems French vegetarians and vegans really are an oppressed and persecuted minority in France.
www.1worldday.org www.tinyurl.com/oneworldday www.one-world-day.org
Sunday, 2 October 2011
One World Day For Global Health & Sustainability
It starts here, now, One World Day!
No more excuses, time is running out, people are getting sicker, the planet is getting sicker - the solution is simple, eat more plants!
This One World Day intriduce at least one friend, one new person, to delicious nutritious plantarian food. One new person for one day, how difficult can that be?
World cuisine has so much to offer us, Carribean bean stews, Indian lentil curries, Chinese cashew nut stir fry, Italian pine nuts and wholemeal pasta, Spanish vegetable Paella, Morrocan Pistachio and Apricot Tagine, Turkish stuffed vine leaves, delicious Greek olive and caper salads with falafel, French vegetable and hazelnut tarts, Hungarian wild Mushroom Goulash, German vegetable and poppy seed strudle, Swedish meat free meatballs, British veggie sausages with rosemary cauliflower and sweet potato mash or Shepherdess Pie, Scottish Veggie Haggis, Welsh Cashew Nut Rarebit, Australian BBQ vegetable kebabs, Japanese Vegetable and tofu Sushi, Mexican chilli non carne, Swiss No Muh Fondue, Californian Waldorf salad, Bolivian Vegetable Quinoa , Irish seaweed and peanut potato cakes - you get the picture?
If anyone says they don't like vegetables read them that list and ask them if they've tried all that!
A vast list of delicious recipes can be found at TheCancer Project Recipe Section
Please follow us on Twitter and On Facebook and www.1worldday.org and eat for life on November 1st
Thursday, 22 September 2011
One World Day button Badges
Could be the 'must have' lapel and bag jewellery this winter!
Send us your pictures of you wearing badge or One World Day T-Shirt in the most far away places.
Free cookbook for the best photo.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Fish Free Friday
First there was Meat Free Monday, then One World Day , now Fish Free Friday - just join the dots people!
Eating fish increases a number of health risks and is environmentally unsustainable.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
The Umpires Strike Back - New Food Revolution - ONE WORLD DAY - November 1st
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The Umpires Stikes Back - Teatime food revolution |
Celebrity Supermarket chef and village cricketer lookalike, Jamie Oliver, leads a stunning Global gathering of people keen to see a food revolution. Hot on his cricket balls Hugh Fearnly Whatshisname from River Cottage trys first to save the seas and then sell us the merits of vegetables that could save the planet and our health.
Meanwhile a non cricketing Israeli journalist turned chef does pretty stuff with vegetables for the Guardian and becomes an unwilling vegetarian celebrity.
All the better to One World Day you with !
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Experts vote Vegan Diet Best for Diabetes
Healthy Eating & Nutrition News: Independent Experts vote Vegan Diet Best for Diabetes:
A panel of 22 independent health experts including Doctors, registered nutritionists and specialists in diabetes, heart health, human behavior, and weight loss, reviewed detailed assessments prepared by U.S. News of 20 diets. The experts rated each diet in seven categories, including short- and long-term weight loss, ease of compliance, safety, and nutrition.
A vegan diet was voted as joint second in US News Rankings Best Diets section for Diabetes.
www.1worldday.org www.vegs.us/1wd www.one-world-day.org
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Vote - Bristol VegFest :: VegFest UK - The UK's biggest and best Vegetarian/Vegan Festival
or Ice Cream ,
or chocolate ,
or cake,
or whatever else you fancy seeing up on stage at the finale to National Vegetarian week
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Petition: Fund Research On Healthy Diets
Professor Smith from UK Oxford University, with help from Olso University in Sweden, recently published well publicised research on halting dementia and Alzhiemer's just with B Vitamins. Professor Smith admitted the problems of researching food and nutrients rather than drugs. He revealed “The dogma is strong and there is money involved. If it is not produced by the pharmaceutical companies, you have a hard time getting funded.”
Important scientific proof of the need for nutrition not drugs will struggle to surface whilst most research is funded by drug companies.
The only solution is for responsible governments and the World Health Organisation to commit to prove what professional Nutritional therapists demonstrate every day in their clinics, that food can heal. President Bill Clinton under Dr Esselstyne is using food to beat heart disease, PCRM has shown food can reverse Diabetes.
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reveals 'When the report, Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, was released (BMJ 2003;326: 515), American food manufacturers' groups began lobbying to prevent their government from accepting its proposals. The Sugar Association wrote to the director general of WHO, threatening to “exercise every avenue available to expose the dubious nature” of the report. Congressmen recruited by the food industry urged the secretary of health, Tommy Thompson, to cut off the $406m (£226m; €334m) annual US contribution to WHO (BMJ 2003;326: 948).
If we continue to ignore Hippocrates' ethos of “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” there will be dire catastrophic consequences.
Please sign our Petition:
In the interests of optimal world health and sustainability we the undersigned urge world governments and the World Health Organisation, to stand up to pharmaceutical and manufactured food industry lobbyists, provide balance in the drugs vs diet debate and fill the funding gap to fund scientific research that proves better diets and fresh, complete, wholefoods and the nutrients they contain can prevent, halt and often reverse chronic disease.
21-Day Vegan Kickstart - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
A Message from Tal Ronnen
By now, you know the definition of “vegan,” but here’s how I like to put it: Being vegan means eating everything in the world except animal products. There’s a whole world of vegan cooking that’s rich and delicious—but without the fat and cholesterol of your favorite meaty meals. To keep your new diet interesting and varied, find inspiration in new recipe books, good vegetarian restaurants, and new vegan friends.
For a few of my nutrition tips, visit my Kickstart page
Tal Ronnen was the chef that first turned Oprah Winfrey onto delicious vegan dishes and is currently being consulted to create a Healthy fast food alternative to McDonalds/wendy/KFC/Burger King/Taco bell/Pizza Hut that will feature Plantarian options on the menu.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Festival Fair Fayre Event - Bristol VegFest
This eco - fest of food & music, a food fayre, ethical market, festival of sustainable healthier living, weekend fair for all the family kids too - see www.vegfest.co.uk
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Day 4 21-Day Healthy Kickstart Menus
A Message from Alex Jamieson
For most new vegans, their metamorphosis means more than just saying so long to hot dogs and ham and cheese sandwiches. Becoming vegan encompasses health concerns, environmentalism, and animal rights. This way of living and being in the world will bring personal, emotional, physical, and global benefits. No one can tell you exactly how these changes will occur in your life, because each individual has a unique set of circumstances to consider. Just remember, every step toward a vegan lifestyle is a positive step for yourself and the greater world around you.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Healthy Kickstart by PCRM Day 3
Day 3 - A Message from Dr. Esselstyn
I often ask patients to compare their coronary artery disease to a house fire. Your house is on fire because eating meat and dairy products has given you heart disease. You are spraying gasoline on the fire by continuing to eat the very same foods that caused the disease in the first place. Stopping the gasoline puts out the fire. Eating a plant-based diet will end heart disease. If you eat to save your heart, you can cut health care costs and save yourself from other diseases of nutritional extravagance: strokes, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, adult-
onset diabetes, and cancer.
Monday, 4 April 2011
21-Day Healthy Kickstart - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
A Message from Alicia Silverstone
On a plant-based diet, you will lose weight easily, your skin will absolutely glow, you will have tons of energy, and you will become more sensitive to all the important things in life—like love, nature, and your deepest, truest self. The journey starts today.
Here are some reminders to guide you along your way:
- Commit to freeing your body from the grip of unhealthy foods.
- Check in with your body; listen to its signals.
- Be proud of the choices you’re making.
- If you fall off the wagon, just get back on—no drama, no guilt."
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Thursday, 3 March 2011
National Nutrition Month - Eat Right with colour
Eat right with colour!
Well it's a good start! - eat colourful foods such as..... fruit and vegetables!
www.1worldday.org www.tinyurl.com/oneworldday www.one-world-day.org
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
One World Day Help Please
You can join and help at www.1worldday.org
The Plantarian Double One Diet Dare hopes to double the number of vegans by 11:11:11 You can Pledge on the Earth Day billion acts of green website on www.tinyurl.com/oneworldday
We only need around 50 more pledges to get on the Earth Day Acts home page.
You can post a video of you, your pledge and why it's a good idea on Bonobo TV or Veggievision or www.onedayonearth.org/group/oneworldday
We are collecting One World Day special Double One offers at www.one-world-day.org so if you work for or are in touch with any manufacturers or retailers please get in touch for free PR
World Diabetes Day is on 14th November which seems like a good finale! Please get in touch with your local group and remind them of the Vegan Solution and research by PCRM
We have set up a 'Cause' page on facebook all you need to do is say 'like' here www.facebook.com/pages/One-World-Day/135561279843935
or here
There is a blog at http://oneworldday.blogspot.com/
One World Day Nov 1st - World Diabetes Day 14th Nov
Eating a healthier more sustainable Plantarian Diet is one of the most simple and effective things you can do to reduce the risk, reduce the impact, and reduce the symptoms of Diabetes. In the PCRM trials in the USA people reversed their type 2 diabetes and reduced drug dependency in type 1 diabetes cases.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Ex McDonalds Execs Help One World Day Goal
You can tell this is the year of the Rabbit can't you. Well can't you? Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Natalie Portman, Oxford University, Leona Lewis, vegan cupcakes in Disneyland, and now 2 ex McDonalds executives helping to set a One World Day new world record for healthier, more sustainable lifestyles with a new healthier, sustainable - ish fast food chain
With help of celebrity Vegan Chef Tal Ronnen LYFE Kitchen hopes to have 250 locations within the next 5 years.
Banker Stephen Sidwell and CEO Mike Roberts believe that 50% of the market are hungry and ready for healthier, more sustainably produced fast foods - first one planned to open this summer
Friday, 11 February 2011
Football Boss Bans Beef, Burgers, Sausages + Pies
Monday, 7 February 2011
Telegraph Journalist Vet Eats Plants
For the whole of February an ex Vet writes for the Telegraph as he follows in Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Natalie Portman, Dennis Kuchinich and Mike Tyson's footsteps and gives up meat and dairy for a month.
We wish Pete Wedderburn luck and thank him for helping us get closer to our target of a record number of people following a healthier more sustainable lifestyle by 1:11:11 One World Day
Walters TV Special on Celebrity Heart Attacks
It comes as no surprise that the legendarily competitive Barbara Walters was able to land former President Bill Clinton , David Letterman, Robin Williams and Regis Philbin for her ABC News special.
The selling point was what tied all the celebrities — Walters included — together: their open heart surgeries
Each guest agreed to talk about his experience. Clinton, the former Big Mac president, revealed that he's now practically a vegan eating a predominantly plantarian diet
Clinton said, he had been trying to lose weight and was sticking to a diet heavy on fruits, grains and vegetables.
He has another incentive now to keep healthy.
“That's my next goal,” he told her. “I want to hang around here to have grandchildren.”
Oprah & 378 Staff give up meat
Find out what happened when Oprah and 378 of her staff adopted a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for a week.
With Kathy Freston and Michael Pollan
Vegan Cupcakes in Disneyland Orlando
So are you sitting comfortably? Clinton, Steve Wynn, Oprah, Oxford University, and Disneyland!! Yes now Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida has replaced a McDonalds with a Vegan Cupcake shop.
OK so cupcakes aren't the healthiest food in the world but Erin McKenna at NYC's Babycakes does her best to make them as healthy as a cupcake possibly could be whilst still tasting fantastic.
Another step closer to a world record in 2011 for healthy and sustainable Plantarian living.
One you, one body, one life, one planet , one world, one day - One World Day
Thursday, 3 February 2011
USDA / HHS Agree - More Plantarian foods!
In the 7th edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans , it states Vegetarian-style eating patterns have been associated with improved health outcomes
However speaking from her London Clinic in Harley Street yesterday, leading UK Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston said "The new guidelines from the United States Government Department of Health and Human Services are a good step forward but don't go far enough"
"The governments of the world need to have the courage to admit that it's not just eating more fruit and vegetables that's important it's eating less meat and dairy too, especially intensively farmed animal produce"
"We are typically over fed but under-nourished in the west - the last thing most of us need in our diets is more saturated animal fat. To suggest we need more low fat cheese in our diet is misleading. A product marked 50% reduced fat is still adding saturated animal fat to our diet instead of essential fats. Cheddar typically has 80% of it's calories as fat so it's also very calorific. We don't need more dairy, as well as fat it has natural bovine hormones that we don't need either. It's two potentially redeeming cited nutrients are vitamin b12 and vitamin D , but as dairy cows are increasingly kept out of the sun in an antibacterial protected industrial environment the likelihood of useful amounts of these 2 vitamins is also questionable."
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2011 — Agriculture Secretary TomVilsack and Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius today announced the release of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the federal government's evidence-based nutritional guidance to promote health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity through improved nutrition and physical activity.
Because more than one-third of children and more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, the 7th edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans places stronger emphasis on reducing calorie consumption and increasing physical activity.
“The 2010 Dietary Guidelines are being released at a time when the majority of adults and one in three children is overweight or obese and this is a crisis that we can no longer ignore,” said Secretary Vilsack. “These new and improved dietary recommendations give individuals the information to make thoughtful choices of healthier foods in the right portions and to complement those choices with physical activity. The bottom line is that most Americans need to trim our waistlines to reduce the risk of developing diet-related chronic disease. Improving our eating habits is not only good for every individual and family, but also for our country.”
The new 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans focus on balancing calories with physical activity, and encourage Americans to consume more healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, and seafood, and to consume less sodium, saturated and trans fats, added sugars, and refined grains.
“Helping Americans incorporate these guidelines into their everyday lives is important to improving the overall health of the American people,” said HHS Secretary Sebelius. “The new Dietary Guidelines provide concrete action steps to help people live healthier, more physically active and longer lives.”
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans include 23 Key Recommendations for the general population and six additional Key Recommendations for specific population groups, such as women who are pregnant. Key Recommendations are the most important messages within the Guidelines in terms of their implications for improving public health. The recommendations are intended as an integrated set of advice to achieve an overall healthy eating pattern. To get the full benefit, all Americans should carry out the Dietary Guidelines recommendations in their entirety.
More consumer-friendly advice and tools, including a next generation Food Pyramid, will be released by USDA and HHS in the coming months. Below is a preview of some of the tips that will be provided to help consumers translate the Dietary Guidelines into their everyday lives:
- Enjoy your food, but eat less.
- Avoid oversized portions.
- Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
- Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
- Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals – and choose the foods with lower numbers.
- Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
"Vegetarian-style eating patterns have been associated with improved health outcomes -- lower levels of obesity, a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and lower total mortality. Several clinical trials have documented that vegetarian eating patterns lower blood pressure."
USDA and HHS have conducted this latest review of the scientific literature, and have developed and issued the 7th edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in a joint effort that is mandated by Congress. The Guidelines form the basis of nutrition education programs, Federal nutrition assistance programs such as school meals programs and Meals on Wheels programs for seniors, and dietary advice provided by health professionals.
The Dietary Guidelines, based on the most sound scientific information, provide authoritative advice for people 2 years and older about how proper dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases.
The Dietary Guidelines aid policymakers in designing and implementing nutrition-related programs. They also provide education and health professionals, such as nutritionists, dietitians, and health educators with a compilation of the latest science-based recommendations. A table with key consumer behaviors and potential strategies for professionals to use in implementing the Dietary Guidelines is included in the appendix.
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines is available at www.dietaryguidelines.gov.